Hey Skinny!!

There are a couple of people at work that say this to me when they see me. I am sure they mean it as a compliment but it really makes me mad. For one thing I still weigh 240 there is no skinny here. I guess if you compare to 420 where I started at about a year ago I guess you could say it, but it upsets me. Plus, they are not quiet about it and not everyone knows I have lost this amount of weight so not only does it make me mad it embarrasses me. 

Another thing that annoyed me today was when I was at the gym today I ran into a girl who has been going to gym at least as long as me and who is also heavy. Well, she too, called me skinny but introduced me to a lady and told this lady that I lost all this weight in the last year because I only eat 1000 calories. I told her before and again that isn’t true and she actually rolled her eyes at me. I would never tell anyone to eat less than 1200 calories unless under a doctor’s care. I actually eat six times a day and between 1500-2200 calories. I would say my average used to be around 1600-1700 but since I started jogging more my average has gone up a couple hundred. I’m hungrier. I do exercise 5-6 times a week and I don’t eat those calories back. 

I am a true believer that all diets, if safe, will work but you have to find what you think you can live with. If you don’t, it will not last long. 

These are two pet peeves I have. I know the ones that call me skinny are thinking they are nice but I hate it. I also don’t like when people tell me how to do it. I don’t mind talking about my weight loss or how I am doing it but please walk up to me and ask don’t tell it across the room. 

Day 316 of my Journey to a New Me!!

I have had a pretty good week and the fact it is a three day weekend even better. Let’s all not forget those who have served and/or given their lives for us while we enjoy our weekend. 

Sunday’s are weigh in days for me and I had another great week with that. I lost 3 pounds. Total now 180.8. My nephew commented that I lost one of him. I weigh 239.2 now. My personal goal weight is 200. I don’t plan to quit trying at that weight and anything I lose below that is icing on the cake. Honestly, when I started this I really didn’t think I’d get anywhere close to this. Now I know I’ll make it. I have no doubt. I do worry that when I get to goal it’ll be hard to keep it but I need to get there first. 

One thing I found exciting this week was where I work they did a health screening for free if you chose to have it done. They bring people in once a year if anyone is interested. Never done it before because I never wanted to weigh for anyone. I still didn’t want to get weighed but I wanted to see my cholesterol. A little over a year ago it was high and my doctor wanted me to take meds to lower but being me I didn’t want to take and so never filled it. So I was wanting to see if my diet and exercise had lowered this. I wasn’t disappointed. My total cholesterol was 160 and my good cholesterol was 52. Both in normal range. My sugar was fine. Blood pressure normal. No surprise that I am overweight though. But I thought my BMI would be higher than it was. But as I am continuing to lose weight I am not going to fixate on that. 

I worked out most days this week. Tomorrow I’ll go for a jog. I think I need to go to a running store and see about getting fitted for shoes. I think I may be an overpronator and may need a shoe to correct this. I hate to spend that kind of money but I think if I am going to keep jogging it might be wise. 

That’s it for this week. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy week. Renee’

Day 309, Week 44 Weigh In

Another week in the books. It has been a busy week. Sadly tomorrow back at work. 

First things first. Today’s weigh in: 242.8 for a loss of 4.8 this week. Total weight loss 177.8.

Friday, I jogged 2.25 miles on the treadmill at a speed of 4.2 mph. I am a very slow jogger. I was so proud to make it that far. The week before was the first time I ever got over 1.5 without stopping to walk and that was 1.75. My goal this week was to just do that again but when I got to that I was like I think I can make 2 and when I got to 2 I thought I could do another quarter mile and when I got to 2.25 I thought I should have stopped at 2 and so I stopped. I am still not sure I’ll make a full 5k without walking some before my birthday but I’m a lot closer than I thought I would be a month ago. 

Heck, who knew a year ago I’d be where I am right now. I still have a ways to go but I’ve come so far since July. 

I went to a Cardinal game today (they blew it in the ninth inning) and I was worried about the seats but not a problem. Had a nice time. My niece’s choir was singing “Take me Out To The Ball Game” My sister was suppose to go but couldn’t so I took her and I got to enjoy the game. 

Has anyone tried Skinny Popcorn? I have to quit buying it. I don’t know when to stop. I don’t even like popcorn that much but this stuff is addicting to me. At least it doesn’t have many calories. I love the pepper one. 

I hope everyone has a great healthy week. Renee’

Happy Mother’s Day and Weigh in Day!!

Happy Mother’s day to all the mother’s and substitute mothers out there! 

Not my best week as far as weight loss. I lost.2 pounds. Still a loss. Was busy this week with Girls on the Run and band and choir concerts. Didn’t get to work out as much as I like to. Hopefully, next week will be a better loss. 

Yesterday was the finale of Girls on the Run. Had our big 5k in downtown St Louis. Almost 8000 people with most of the runners under 13 years of age. I ran with my niece. Boy, she wanted to quit before we started but we did it. Our official time was 45 minutes and 50 seconds. Not bad for having to practically argue with my niece the whole time to keep moving. She is ten. I am still very proud of her even though she gave me the evil eye the whole race. 

I am going to try to add my first picture to this blog of us after the race. Hope it turns out!!


Weekly weigh in and check in!!

Weighed in today at 247.2!!! WooHoo!!! Under 250!!! Total is now 172.8. 

As I have mentioned before I am helping with Girls on the Run with my niece. We had our 3 mile practice run the other day. I thought all the girls did wonderful. So proud. They are young girls so we did a lot of walking and jogging. But everyone finished. Saturday is the official 5k in St Louis. I hear there are hundreds of girls. Can’t wait. 

I am still working on my personal 5k before 50. Today I was able to jog 1.75 miles without walking. I am very slow. My son can walk faster than I jog. My brother sent me a saying 4 minutes or 16 minutes a mile is a mile. This is true. If I think where I was 9 months ago it’s amazing to me I can jog at all. 

It is going to be a super busy week. I am worried about getting all my exercise in but will try. Tomorrow my nephew turns 16. Plus I have several band and choir concerts. I’ll figure out something I am sure. 

Here’s to everyone having a great and healthy week. 
