What Happened to Me?

I got busy and lazy. I am not a writer and this was always hard to keep up with when you don’t know what to write. I am sure if you followed me at all then you probably think think I fell off program and put weight back on. Well, I am happy to report that is not the case.FB_IMG_1426120248866Here is a picture of me bowling for the first time in years last week. BTW, really bad bowling. First game was under 30. So proud. I did improve over the next two games.

I hit 170 pounds in January and have stayed within 5 pounds of that since then. That is a good weight for me. When you weighed over 400 pounds you don’t firm up as much as you’d like. But I can deal with that.

I am training to run my first half marathon in May. I am excited. Not looking for any time but just to finish. I still do the walk/run method by Jeff Galloway. It works for me.

I decided to finally post since one of my followers asked about me. I need to catch up with the people I used to read about also.  I hope everyone is having as much fun in life as I am.

I know this is a life long fight for me, but I have a good start and now I just have to maintain all the work I have done. It’s been worth it!!!

I hope anyone that struggles with weight issues that reads this knows it’s possible. But it’s a mindset and you have to be ready to do it in your mind. It’s easy to lose weight. Hard to keep with it. We know how but we have to fight with ourselves all the time to stay with it. There are always reasons to have that piece of cake or that fast food. We can always find reasons or excuses to just have a piece just this once. If like me just once becomes twice and finally back where you were.  I know that at any moment I could gain it all back plus extra. I just have to choose everyday to keep at it. I want to be one of the few that keeps it off for good!!

That’s the goal. Stay healthy. Renee’

Yes, I Am Still Here!!

I have not fallen off the earth or plan. Just been busy and haven’t even read any blogs and really didn’t have much to say. Anyway, I will give you a quick update for the last three weigh ins.

10/19 up .2 pounds. First time since starting this journey I was not down. I didn’t like it but it wasn’t because of cheating and wasn’t much so I learned to deal with it.

10/26 down 4.8 I suppose I made up for not losing the week before. Who knows with weight loss.

11/2 today I was down another 1.8 pounds.

So I now weigh 187.8. Total weight loss now is 232.2 Pounds.

I still jog about 3 times a week. Been doing about 6 miles on the weekend. And about 3-4 miles 2 times during the week. I do other things on my off days but don’t feel I get quite the same workout as when I run. I still do Jeff Galloway’s walk/run method and believe I will continue this because I can go longer and further. I didn’t want to do this at first but trying it out and going further and not any slower than before and feel better afterwards I think maybe he is on to something. Especially if older or really out of shape. I would never be able to do six miles otherwise.

That’s all for now. Have a safe and healthy week. Renee’

My 10k And Weekly Weigh In!!


The weather for my 10k yesterday was actually very good. The temps were in the high 50’s which is chilly but pretty good running weather. Luckily, the rain stopped the night before and didn’t start again until late night.

It was a fairly small race. Only 268 showed up and most ran the 5k. This is the first year they had the 10k. We all started at the same time but within five minutes the 5k people ran one way and we ran another. It wasn’t too long before most 10k people were spread out.

I would have been alone the whole time but a lady that works where I work out heard I was running my first 10k alone showed up to run with me. She stayed with me the whole time. Even though she is a seasoned runner she stayed and walked when I walked and ran when I ran. I do think I ran faster because of her. And the last mile I always push myself and she pushed me harder than I would have.

My guess was I would finish within 1 hour 20 min. I did way better. I finished in 1 hour 7 min and 45 seconds. I received a medal for second place for my age division. Like I said very small race but I don’t care I got a medal to prove I ran it.

As far as my weight loss this week I lost 2.2 pounds. Brings my grand total to 225.8.

All in all another great week.

Have a happy and healthy week. Renee’

Checking In!!

Hello checking in a day late. Just was to lazy to do it yesterday. I lost 2.8 pounds last week. So another good week.

I didn’t really do much this week. Just the usual. I walk/jogged 5 miles Saturday and 3 1/2 today. Trying to be ready for the 10k I signed up for last week which is coming up on Saturday. I am freaking out a little bit about it. I don’t really care if I’m last I just don’t want to be last by a lot. I also hope I make it through. I know I can do it but afraid I’ll freak out and either go to fast or something and not be able to. I know it’s not like a marathon or even a half but might as well be to me. I need to just relax and get over it. At least the weather looks good for here on Saturday. It’ll be cool in the morning and suppose to not rain. Let’s hope it stays that way.

I will check in on Saturday and let you know how it goes.

Hope you all have a great and healthy week. Renee’


I finally made it! I made it to Onederland! I have officially reached my personal goal of 200. Now everything else is icing on the cake. Although, I won’t be getting any of that. Another good thing is according to the BMI calculator I am finally out of obese range and now just overweight.

I lost 3 pounds this week, bringing my total lost to 220.8. It has taken me 441 days, 63 weeks to reach my personal goal. I can’t tell you how excited I am. I do hope to lose more and will continue to do the same things for now. Would like to reach a normal weight but I do have loose skin so not sure where I will stop.

Yesterday I did a 5k with my niece at her school. It wasn’t timed or anything. It was a fundraiser for a rock wall for the school. It wasn’t too bad. We walked a lot but we finished. She gave me trouble all the way and then at the very end after I fought her the whole way, she took off and I couldn’t catch her.

Today I did 5 miles and then played tennis with my son. The run was nice. The weather was perfect. By the time I played tennis though it warmed up a bit. All in all a great week.

Hope you all have a happy and healthy week. Renee’

Another Week Done!!

Today’s weigh-in resulted in a 1.4 pound loss. I have now lost a total of 217.8 pounds. I am still 2.2 pounds away from my personal goal I set last July of 200 pounds. This last ten pounds has definitely been slower. After I make it I will continue on in ten pound increments until either I stop losing or I make it into normal weight range. Since I was so big I doubt that’s even possible with excess skin but I suppose I will find out soon enough.

I love these beautiful weekends. Wish they were longer. Running and biking. Playing tennis. I wish I never had to work.

I am still struggling with weight training. Not because what I do is hard but it is boring and time consuming.

I have been contemplating running a 10k in October. But can’t bring myself to actually sign up for it. I know I can do it I am just so slow. You hate to be the last. I imagine some people could walk it faster. I don’t know but I really want to try it. I think I could do it in less than an hour and a half but right at that. I do not believe there is a time limit because I did look. Hopefully, I decide soon.

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy week. Good luck to everyone on their journey. Renee’:

My Weekly Check-in

Today’s weigh in 203.6. That’s a loss of 1.4 pounds this week. Total weight loss now of 216.4. It seems to be getting slower but at least I am still losing so far. It’s been 61 weeks since I started this and still going strong.

The last few weekends have been great for being outside. A little chilly yesterday but overall nice. I can’t believe how much I do now on the weekends compared to a year ago or even six months ago. Winter is coming soon so I won’t be able to do as much then.

My niece is wanting to do a 5k at school at the end of month so I have been taking her out to jog a little to try and get her ready. I don’t think she will do as well as the one in May that we did since she hasn’t done any running since then. I tried to keep her going but she just gave me trouble so I quit. I imagine after the run she won’t want to run again. But I took her out yesterday to practice. Then tried to help her with riding a bike. Not really sure if I helped her any. Then I rode my own bike around.

I have been thinking of trying to run a 10k in October so I decided to try it today while I was running. (Walk/jogging) Done!! 6.2 miles in 1 hour and 24 minutes. Yes I’m slow but I’m happy with it.

Then I played tennis with my son. We are not bad for never playing before about a month ago. My fourth time his second. Had a blast. I always get a good laugh anyway. Was going to bike ride today but decided I had enough. I think every week should have at least three days to enjoy our lives.

I keep trying to find things I enjoy doing hoping that if I enjoy being active I will keep doing it and be able to keep the weight I have lost off. That’s my goal.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy week. Renee’

Another Pound Gone!!

Yep that’s right I lost another pound despite my gym being closed all week and the weather either being too hot or raining so not easy to get out to jog. My gym closes once a year for cleaning and painting and whatever else that needs fixing but it really sucks if you can’t get outside. I did get to jog Tuesday but didn’t get back out until yesterday. Oh well, I survived it and was still able to drop a pound.

I have lost something every week since I started this diet but think the closer I get to my goal weight the harder that will be. I have five more pounds until I reach my personal goal weight of 200 pounds. I am hoping to lose more than that but that is the lowest weight I ever was since 18. Plus, I do have a lot of loose skin from being so heavy. I figure anything I lose after that is just icing on the cake. Now doesn’t that sounds tasty. I can’t remember the last time I had any sweets and especially icing.

I did make some chicken fajitas though for dinner tonight. Very tasty. Maybe I shouldn’t have had two but I tell myself it was mostly vegetables. I think I’ll have some watermelon for dessert.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy week. Until next week. Renee’

Another Weigh In and Other Things!!

It was a great week as far as weight loss. I lost an additional 4 pounds for a total now of 214 pounds lost.

I just love holiday weekends. Just having three days off is a great thing. Yesterday I started the day with a walk/jog of almost six miles. Then later in the day I took my bike out for 45 minutes. Both times I came home so wet. It didn’t feel that bad but obviously it was. Just released rest of day.

Today I went to the track to work on some kind of running stuff. I think it’s too improve time but I don’t really care how fast I am but I think everything can help with endurance though have no clue about that. I just hope it makes running easier.

I then meet up with my son, nephew, and a few of his friends to play tennis. Now that was hot. We had a good time but way too hot out. Though other crazy people were out there by the time we left.

I wanted to lift weights at gym since they are closed all next week for yearly cleaning but have been to busy. Oh well, hate lifting anyway. Hope the weather isn’t as bad as they are talking next week or with working not sure how I’ll get my exercise in.

Going to be heading to my sister’s soon for bbq chicken.

Who knows what I’ll do tomorrow. No plans yet but I’m sure I’ll do something.

Hope you are all having as great a holiday weekend as I am.

Stay healthy. Renee’

I’m Half the Woman I Used To Be!!

Yes, that is correct. I’m officially half the woman I was. And yet, I feel like I have gained so much more.

I lost .8 pounds for a total of 210 pounds lost. That makes it 50%.

Sunday I went out and tried tennis. Loved it. Wasn’t to bad at it either. I have done so many things this summer that I either never thought I would again and tried new things.

I wasn’t unhappy before but I must admit this is a better life. I didn’t like being so heavy but I’m much healthier and can do more things that I couldn’t before. I have learned I like jogging. Actually, not sure I like it while doing it but afterwards I sure feel good. I like bike riding. I just learned I like tennis, although I wouldn’t be playing anyone that has actually played it much.

I think this is going to be a great year.

Have a happy and healthy week. Renee’